Monday, November 14, 2011

Reflection ~ Two Months Old

Two months…

Sophia is such a wonderful baby and she brings so much joy to not only Bill and I but to our whole family.   I love watching my family and friends interact with her.  She has so many people around her to love her, teach her and of course to spoil her! 

I have started back to work after the 6 weeks and I miss my Sophia so much.  A big thank you to Aunty Katie, Great Aunty Laura and Grammy & Papa York for watching Sophia during the week while I am at work.  It makes the process of leaving her so much easier knowing that she is in such great hands.  I don’t know what I would do without you guys! XOXO

Sophia is 9.15lbs (20th percentile) and 22.5” in height (50th percentile).  She now turns her head when she hears your voice, she can follow moving objects with her eyes and the best part is that she will stare right into your eyes and give you the warmest smile.  A genuine smile, not just a gas smile.  She has started to tell a few short stories with her coo’s and every once and awhile she lets out a little giggle!  She loves her glow warm and the pictures hanging on the wall above the couch mesmerize her.  I swear she can stare at them all day.  Her eyes are still blue but day by day are starting to look more hazel.  She has not lost any hair yet but I am starting to notice more hair growing on top of her head.  It looks like it is going to be curly like her mom by the back of her head when it’s wet. 

Bill and I are truly enjoying parenthood and we can't wait to see what Sophia will do or learn next!


First Trip to Burlington!!!
First visit to see her Godmother Heather & her Uncle David!
First time meeting her Future BFF, Joshua!
First Halloween!  Kenley ~ Sophia
"Mom, why did you stuff  me in a pumpkin?"
Entirely to many outfits for one Halloween :)
Family Trip to Salem!