Friday, February 24, 2012

Reflection ~ Five Months Old

We have been experiencing Sophia's first "stage" as they say...  She does not like to go to sleep in her crib at night.  The day she turned 4 months to this very night she will fall asleep in your arms but as soon as you put her down in her crib she wakes up in a fit.  Then you can pick her up and within seconds she is sound a sleep again.  Try to put her down and she cries!  This can go on up to 2 hours a night!  ahhhh. lol Thankfully when she finally goes down, she does sleep through the night until 6:30/7:00am. 

This month we got Sophia's ears pierced.  Daddy did not want to go so Aunty Heather and Joshua came with us.  She did cry but she was okay after a couple of seconds.  The lady was really nice and she pierced them even which I was happy about seeing that I have crooked piercings all of my life.  We got her little diamonds and I love them!  She looks even more beautiful! 

Sophia loves to interact with people, watch tv, play on her play-mat and in her jumper.  She also recognizes Corona and smiles at her when she passes by.  She is now eating rice cereal which we started when she was 4 1/2 months and she is still on 6oz of formula every 3-4 hours.  Her hair is growing so fast and I can't wait until I can put bows in her hair.  She is such a girly girl. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reflection ~ Four Months Old

I spent the afternoon organizing Sophia's clothes because she is growing so quickly.  She is not out of all 0-3 and most of 3 month.  She is growing up so quickly but I am loving every minute of it.

She loves to smile, talk as much as she can.  She loves her playmat or just laying down flat so she can kick her legs.  She still giggles only once and awhile and I am really looking forward to her doing it more often.  We just started putting her into her bouncy swing and her Baby Einstein jumper. She doesn't quite get it yet but still likes the change of scenary I think. 

This month we celebrated Sophia's first Christmas!  She was completely spoiled by both of our families and having her around makes the Holidays all that much better.  We visited Alexa on Christmas day and brought her a 1st Christmas ornament and her very own pink Christmas Tree.  It was tough around the Holiday thinking of our sweet angel but we made it through together.  Miss her everyday! xoxo