Friday, February 24, 2012

Reflection ~ Five Months Old

We have been experiencing Sophia's first "stage" as they say...  She does not like to go to sleep in her crib at night.  The day she turned 4 months to this very night she will fall asleep in your arms but as soon as you put her down in her crib she wakes up in a fit.  Then you can pick her up and within seconds she is sound a sleep again.  Try to put her down and she cries!  This can go on up to 2 hours a night!  ahhhh. lol Thankfully when she finally goes down, she does sleep through the night until 6:30/7:00am. 

This month we got Sophia's ears pierced.  Daddy did not want to go so Aunty Heather and Joshua came with us.  She did cry but she was okay after a couple of seconds.  The lady was really nice and she pierced them even which I was happy about seeing that I have crooked piercings all of my life.  We got her little diamonds and I love them!  She looks even more beautiful! 

Sophia loves to interact with people, watch tv, play on her play-mat and in her jumper.  She also recognizes Corona and smiles at her when she passes by.  She is now eating rice cereal which we started when she was 4 1/2 months and she is still on 6oz of formula every 3-4 hours.  Her hair is growing so fast and I can't wait until I can put bows in her hair.  She is such a girly girl.