Saturday, July 9, 2011

27 Weeks and growing....

 Hey everyone!

God answered our prayers this week and our appointment yesterday went so well.  Alexa amazes me already.  She has gained a full pound since our last appointment and she is now 1 lb 5 oz.  During the u/s she was dancing all around, kicking and holding her hands over her head.   She inspires me every-time I see her on the monitor.

Her sister Sophia was being difficult and we left the office with no good picture of her.  She is doing extremely well and is in the 92nd percentile for weight.  She is 2 lb 14oz!! Almost 3 pounds already.  At first I was concerned that she is growing to big but the doctor assured me that everything is ok and that it is normal.  I don’t think that I will fully believe that there is nothing wrong with Sophia until I hold her in my arms and the doctors confirm that she is healthy. A part of me is so scared to loose both of my girls.

We did not get any good pictures of Sophia but the tech did capture a great picture of both the girls face to face.. Looks like they already have a strong bond.

At our appointment yesterday not only did we meet with our doctor and have an ultrasound but we had an appointment to meet with a doctor from the NICU and was able to get a tour.  The doctor’s appointment went well.  I had to have a glucose test and drink that nasty drink! It got worse with every sip but I PASSED!!  Meeting the NICU doctor was pretty rough on both Bill and I.  We were faced with some tough questions.  Questions that I never thought we would ever have to answer.  We have to make decisions on breathing tubes, feeding tubes, surgeries, etc..  we need to make the right decision for Alexa and try to put our feelings and wants aside.  Of course we would want to do everything we can to try to save our daughter but we need to think of her quality of life and what is the best thing for her.  We just want her to be comfortable.  We are hoping and praying for a miracle every day.

Overall our day in Providence yesterday went well.  Alexa is still with us and Sophia is doing great.  Thank you to my mom and sister Heather who was with us for the day and purchased us these adorable pink teddy bears for the girls.  One was a little smaller than the other and it was just the cutest thing.   When we came back from the NICU they had them on the table facing each other just like the girls were in the u/s picture above.

Our next appointment is in a few weeks.. Within this time, I will have received our maternity photos and will have my Mom’s shower and my mother-in-laws shower so I will post pictures soon after each event!

Thank you again for listening to our story and for being so supportive.  Each prayer counts so we thank you for praying for our girls!



1 comment:

  1. they each have your nose steph! beautiful just like their mother. xxoooo jen
