Monday, December 19, 2011

Reflection ~ Three Months Old

Our princess Sophia is now 3 months.   She has developed so much in one month and I have let go a little as well.  She now sleeps in her own nursery in her crib and she sleeps throughout the night.  I put the sound machine on and I rock her to sleep each night.  To me its the best part of my day.

She smiles all the time, she communicates the best she can and just recently started to giggle.  We now prop her up so she is sitting up against the couch or by holding her hands and she can already hold her head up.  I think she likes the new view. :) 

She drools a lot and enjoys putting her fingers in her mouth at all times.  Recently she just learned she has a tongue and feet.  She will stick her tongue in and out and play around with it for awhile.  As for her feet, she just stares at them but I know soon enough she will be trying to grab them. 

She loves when Grammy Waters sings to her.  She likes to sing monkey's jumping on the bed to her.  Another favorite of hers is watching TV,  Daddy loves when she watches football with him and he swears she is his good-luck charm when it comes to fantasy football!

Enjoy the pictures below and thank you for following our story!


The Waters

First Thanksgiving

First Thanksgiving ~ Love the turkey butt
Helping cook the Turkey

First Christmas Picture

First Family Photo :)

First online cutest baby contest - Came in 2nd

First Santa picture with BFF Joshua!

Putting the star up with Daddy our our 1st Tree

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