Being in the triage last Monday and the nurse telling me that I needed to be hooked up to an IV because they couldn't give me anything to eat or drink "just in case" we need to have a c-section today, freaked Bill and I out! We did not
have our game plan or our bags packed. Needless to say we are more ready now seeing that these girls
can pretty much come whenever they choose. Our bags are packed and in the trunk, camera and video
camera are charged and thanks to my dear friend Heather our bed is protected in
case my water breaks! LOL
At our doctor’s appointment this week we had a non-stress
test and an ultrasound.
Sophia is 5.2lbs!! YAH! She
made it over the 5lb mark, which we are very happy about. Alexa is still having a hard time
gaining weight. She is now
3lbs smaller than Sophia and is 2.2lbs.
She is so tiny. Alexa is
still breech and she has been this way since the beginning so we will be having
a c-section. We will schedule this
at my appointment next Tuesday afternoon.
I have mixed feelings about a c-section but regardless it will be easier
on the girls than a natural delivery so I am sure I will manage.
The non-stress test went well. The doctor’s order is to only monitor Sophia so I sit in a
recliner while they hook up the monitor to hear Sophia’s heartbeat and another
to monitor any contractions.
Anytime I feel Sophia move I push a button. I feel like I am pushing that button every second. Sophia is so active and is moving all the time. Its amazing and also painful sometimes depending on where she is kicking and punching. The test is very simple and takes about 20-30 minutes. I now have to get this done twice a
week until they are delivered.
We did not get any pictures of the girls this week, so I thought I would share some pictures of my enormous belly instead!
thinking of you and the girls. try and remember god is in control if you need him to be. think of the footprints poem. he is always there. your amazing and i think and pray for you and the girls everyday. xxoo jen